Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cutting is the new bullemia

This fact is sad. The fact that this current generation of teens and pre-teens will go down in history as a strong advocate for self-harm. www.twloha.com

Friday, January 11, 2008

Change is the law of life

At what point can you truly believe that someone has changed? We all have people who have hurt us in the past. People who have done things that we thought we would never forgive them for let alone forget about. I think forgiveness needs to be exercised more. I realize that there are people out there who have some terrible things done to them. They have to live with those memories for the rest of their lives but they don't have to live with a grudge. I recently read a book that quoted God as saying "Forgiving isn't necessarily forgetting, its just taking your hands off that person's throat". I think this is the perfect way to intrepret forgiveness. I have forgiven people for the things that they have done to me but I am far from forgetting. But as long as I have told that person that I forgive them and see in them that they are making a conscious effort to never repeat that mistake or change their ways then that is fine with me. The thing I can't stand is when people make mistakes and seem to so intensely regret them but then they don't feel like they're strong enough not to repeat them. I would love to believe that the people who have hurt me have learned their lessons and changed but how can we ever know? I'm talking particularly of liars. After the initial lie or set of lies you are trained to be skeptical of everything they say. But what do you do when they tell you they have changed? That they are sorry and will never do it again? How do we ever know? At one point do you drop your guard and let them back in? Can they ever be trusted again?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

existentialism on a thursday

I chose the name "existentialist today" because I seem to be learning more and more each day when it comes to what I believe. An existentialist believes that they are in charge of their own happiness. I believe this to a degree. I am a christian existentialist but who knows when or if that will change today or tomorrow. I enjoy the constant discovery and searching for more answers. Hopefully this will be a place I can better lay out what I have been thinking and finding out on a daily basis. I started this blog after reading Stephen Christian's.